A couple of people suggested rebidding a somewhat artificial 2♦ instead of 2♥, but the large majority continued with a forcing 2♥.
Over 2♥, there seems to be no option but 2♠ (confirmed by a poll). Presumably North would also be forced to bid this with this shape and even less HCP (if not 2♠, then what)?
So in this auction it seems 2♥ and 2♠ could both be a minimum hand.
a) Now what?
b) If South held a slightly stronger hand with spade stopper (say, a 3451 14-15 count), are they required to jump to 3NT on the third round, given 2NT would be non-forcing? This would seem to cause a nightmare if North was stronger and had slam interest in hearts, where they would have also bid 2♠. Or can South never bid 2♥ with a spade stopper? Or do you just play 2♠ as game-forcing and concede that you'll play in an occasional 12 vs 10?
And what if opener were stronger - do they have to start with 2♠ on the previous round to avoid all this ambiguity?
Continuations after 2♣ seem complex.