bluenikki, on 2022-September-22, 06:21, said:
Do you mean "marginal"?
Even the third deal is marginal only if played in hearts.
I have played a fair amount of bridge. I have played quite a lot of high level bridge. I have read about a far greater number of high level bridge than I’ve played.
The frequency of slam zone hands where the issue is to avoid a weak 4-4 fit and, instead, to play in a different suit is extremely low.
Yes, they do happen. Yes, even the best pairs in the world can struggle on those hands.
Yes, every good player is aware of the issue
But your solution is deeply flawed, imo.
It’s not just that a splinter raise of opener’s suit is such a convenient and frequently arising tool. It’s not. It can be useful sometimes but that’s not the main problem. Responder can often bid 4SF then raise, if not already in a gf auction, and often responder can be captain in such auctions, and so on.
But having to establish a slam type auction by a jump *****, the only purpose of which is to announce a thin 4 card raise is woefully space consuming.
And what constitutes holding? Q432? That’s a bad holding opposite Axxx or Kxxx but it’s fine opposite AKxx and it’s possibly fine opposite AJxx, if the goal is to have no more than 1 loser in the suit. Kxxx opposite QJxx may be fine but Kxxx opposite Qxxx is not good.
Jxxx can be ok opposite AQxx but 10xxx is terrible.
So you jump into a 4th suit as some kind of ill-defined ‘weak suit with slam interest’. How weak a suit and what do you mean by slam interest?
Remember, you posted three hands. On the first two, responder has fairly strong slam hopes but on the last slam is a long way away. But it seems you advocate using the same space consuming jump by responder….when all it does is say ‘weak suit’ but it could be a strong slam move or just barely more than game force…..that’s a very silly use of bidding space imo.
Not only have you gone down the rabbit hole but it seems that you’ve become so invested in your idea that you can’t see or acknowledge the flaws.