jillybean, on 2023-December-02, 11:12, said:
♣* is the only response I will make holding Souths cards.
As for the continuations, how about the Schuler shift, showing a 6+ card major, 2
♥ is a balanced hand with 5
♥ or an unbalanced minimum with 5
After 1
♣ 2
♥ you have the same auction with south raising hearts on the second round but now South has a little more information.
I’m not a fan of the Schuler shift. While it’s fine if we belong in hearts, it wrong sides 3N when we don’t.
I’m currently playing something probably just as theoretically flawed (obviously I don’t know an unflawed method!) in that 1M 2C 2D is artificial and shows a five card major…2M promises 6+. This can make finding diamonds difficult (but not impossible…responder can bid 2S or 2N and elicit a diamond bid on occasion, but there’s no doubt this is inefficient for diamonds).
We also play 2M as 10-13, 6 card suit. The main benefit is that 1M then rebidding 2M shows 14+ with a six card suit, making slam bidding somewhat easier, as well as improving 1M 1x 3M sequences. 3M is now 17-18, or a great 16. But you don’t need this approach to gain benefit from the 2D bid after 1M 2C.
Btw, I’d not reach slam on these hands. Yes, I see it makes most of the time. At mps, it’s probably cold. At imps, versus a strong defender, I’d expect to go down quite often. Why?
4N should not be based on any suit off two top tricks. Thus east knows that south has second round diamond control. If it’s a stiff, then unless west has a trick somewhere, slam is making. But if it’s the king, then there’s a high probability that slam makes unless west has the diamond queen. I know for a fact that I’d at the very least consider a low diamond at trick one…not at mps where the overtrick could cost several mps for a low percentage shot at a top, but definitely at imps.
I’ve personally underled an ace against a slam four times…always when dummy has announced a control either by keycarding or by jumping to slam in some auction. Success? 3-0-1. Three sets of an otherwise cold slam and one break-even where the ace didn’t go away. I’ve seen it at my table, as dummy, about half a dozen times….twice my partner, as declarer, successfully complimented the opening leader by playing the King! Partners like that are to be cherished😀
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari