awm, on 2024-December-15, 15:17, said:
I also refer to my response to Kit Woolsey's comment (linked above) for the reasons I prefer to bid 1♠ (even at IMPs).
an argument in favour of rebidding 1N on all balanced hands, an argument that very few seem to even know exists, is solving responder’s dilemma with something like 2=5=3=3, say xx KJxxx Jxx Qxx after 1C 1H 1S
When opener is say 4=2=2=5 we usually fare better in 2C than 1N, even at mps. Not only does the occasional 110 beat 90 but 90 beats -50/100. But running to 2C over 1S won’t do well when opener is 4333.
It’s weird….I’ve never seen any of the ‘I bid my suit’ posters even recognize this issue!
Fortunately, I don’t have these problems in my two (semi) regular partnerships. T-Walsh pretty much eliminates them.
As for the argument that, on slam and many game hands, we have ample space to work out patterns…I admit that you would on some hands but not all. Plus it’s simply basic bidding theory that the sooner one can narrow one’s strength and shape, the more efficient will your constructive auctions be. For example, if my partner’s 1S rebid promises 5+ clubs, as responder I can quickly establish a gf and set clubs as trump….1C 1H 1S 2D then 3C with as few as 3 clubs. Try doing that when opener could be 4333…..after 1C 1H 1S 2D 2H is opener 4315 or 4333? Etc.
There’s only so much bidding space available. The more you consume clarifying fit and shape, the less space you have for indicating ‘I like my hand’ or ‘I don’t like my hand’ via cuebids, etc.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari