CSGibson, on 2012-August-22, 10:10, said:
Awfully strong statement. What would it take for you to pass, removing the J of hearts? If it is that close, and a non-working value, then stop being axiomatic and think about the possible play of the hand.
If the KJT was in any other suit, it would be much more likely to build tricks. If we had any other values, it might be worth upgrading. But in a minimum like we have here, opener can hold up his ace once and dummy is dead for all practical purposes.
The other reason for passing is that when RHO bids 2H on a bad suit like this, he is more likely to have outside compensating values. This means that partner's values are likely sitting wrong.
I pass because I believe we are more likely to go plus defending 2H then we are playing 2S unless partner can reopen with a double. This is a corrollary to the law of total tricks - 4333 is a negative law adjustment, as is values in their suit.
Yes, 2S is in range if responder had not made a call. But responder's calls change my evaluation all of the time, and change what is appropriate with any given hand.
I couldn't disagree more.
-KJT is now almost certain 2 tricks after overcall, which was not before the overcall.
♥ overcaller has some values but at least 6 hcp of his values are in front of us, this leaves him with another 5-6 hcp behind pd, and pd is allowed to look at his hand follow the auction too. What makes you t hink your pd neccesarilly has unprotected values ? And even if has, what do you think your 2
♠ promised ?
-By passing you may have a good result defending 2
♥, by bidding you may even have better result defending 3
♥, especially if your pdship is applying LOTT pd will often pass unless he has 6 spades. Holding 2 trump tricks when they play only at 2 level is not a deal breaker. You still need your pd to take 4 tricks to defeat 2
♥, and if he does you may as well be making 2 or 3
-Since you asked for it i have to reply to LOTT comments. Lott NEVER EVER tells you to bid or not to bid looking at how strong or weak your hand is. It goes with number of trumps and it allows you to make adjustments in the total number of trumps, NOT HCPS. So with your logic you would have passed 2
♥ EVEN IF you had 8 or 9 hcp, which is funny imo. Because if there is any negative adjustments in this hand, they would be there even if we had an extra Q in clubs.
LOTT allows you to make adjustements on specific holdings of a suit ONLY AND ONLY if the holding in this specific suit differs in defense and offense for creating tricks. KJT is NOT one of them. If AQ is onside you make 2 tricks in defense and 2 tricks in offense (unless pd is expected to hold singleton or void) If Q is offside you make 1 trick in defense and 1 trick in offense. Thus KJT perfectly serves to LOTT and needs NOT to be adjusted untill you can predict pd to be short in this suit. THE LAW specifically tells you to support your pd at 2 level with a known 8 card fit ESPECIALLY a MAJOR suit fit. This is the FIRST step to apply LOTT, this is like ABC of LOTT ESPECIALLY when the war is between
♥ and
♠ suits.
I mean, yes KJT can turn into a negative adjustment depending on how the suit splits, for example if pd has xx
♥ we can make 2 tricks in defense but in offense by the time we take 2 tricks it maybe too late, i understand that, but it is still too early in the auction to make such predictions imo.
I am not even mentioning that by hiding your fit, you are disabling your pd to apply THE LAW in an auction where you have NO IDEA yet how it will proceed, because he will not believe you have 3 of them or if he does he will think you are completely broke due to lack of 2
♠ bid earlier. This kind of masterminding a simple 2
♠ bid is wrong imo.
I am repeating again, 2
♠ shows 3 card fit and 5-9 hcp, it does NOT mean " i likes my hcps" it does NOT mean "i am better than 3433 " it does NOT mean "i have a defensive or offensive hand" it does not mean "i have a constructive hand after overcall" it does NOT mean " i have my HCPS out of their overcall suit"
Basically 2
♠ support is one of those bids you do not mastermind or f*** arround with. It is a very small target to aim for to find hands where you profit by passing and hiding your hcps and/or support from pd who has MUCH wider range (10-21) and MUCH wider trump holding (5-6-7-8) than your hand at the VERY EARLY STAGE of an auction which you have NO IDEA YET how it will proceed.